Mistborn: Shadows of Self

Mistborn: Shadows of Self

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  • Author:: [[Brandon Sanderson]]
  • Highlights::
    • “She had a way of pouring everything of herself into what she did. When she fought, she was the blade. When she loved, she was the kiss. In that regard, she was far more … human than any I have known.”
    • “The law is not something holy, son. It’s just a reflection of the ideals of those lucky enough to be in charge.”
    • “Money is meaningless.” Waxillium perked up. “What?” “Only expectation has value as currency, Waxillium,” Uncle Edwarn said. “This coin is worth more than the others because people think it is. They expect it to be. The most important things in the world are worth only what people will pay for them. If you can raise someone’s expectation … if you can make them need something … that is the source of wealth. Owning things of value is secondary to creating things of value where none once existed.” #[[Value Creation]]
    • “No, freedom was not lack of responsibilities—it was being able to do what was right, without having to worry if it was also wrong.”
    • “Greet every morning with a smile. That way it won’t know what you’re planning to do to it?”
    • “You had to adapt. Move. Change. That was good, but it could also threaten identity, connection, and sense of purpose.”
    • “Your grasp of the language is startling,” Wax said, “considering how you so frequently brutalize it.” “Ain’t nobody what knows the cow better than the butcher, Wax.”
    • “To believe in a God was to accept that He or She wasn’t going to deliver you from every problem.”
    • “Religion worried him. It could ask men to do things they’d otherwise never do.”
    • “A river is easier to channel than to stop.”
    • “The interesting thing about people is that while they might seem unique, they actually play into broad patterns. Historically, the working class has often been more resistant to change than the class oppressing them.”
    • “The Survivor said that we should smile,” the priest pled. “He taught that we should not let our sorrows drag us down no matter how bad life became.”
    • “Our accents are clothing for our thoughts, my dear,” Wayne said. “Without them, everything we say would be stripped bare, and we might as well be screaming at one another."
    • “There are no good men, Bleeder said. Choice is an illusion, lawman. There are those created to be selfish and there are those created to be selfless. This does not make them good or evil, any more than the ravaging lion is evil when compared to the placid rabbit.”
    • “Be slow to trust a man with clothing that was too new. You didn’t get to wear new, clean clothing by doing honest work.”
    • “Where once kings and warriors shaped the world, now quiet men in offices will do the same—and do it far, far more effectively.”
    • "Already I fear that I have made things too easy for men."
    • “He found it unfortunate, though not surprising, how often noble birth aligned with economic and political power."
    • “I keep meaning to,” MeLaan said, shrugging. “Never can find the time.” “You’re over six hundred years old.” “That’s the thing about having an eternity, kid,” MeLaan said. “It gets really easy to procrastinate.”