
The Virtue of Progress

“People in silicon valley they talk about having impact they talk about making the world a better place they talk about changing the world but the reality is if you follow the money it's mostly just about selling advertising and selling search results and in pushing more goods onto people whether they need them or not now i'm a big fan of consumerism i hope that the us economy keeps growing forever and that everyone consumes more and more forever but i don't think that you can find long-term fulfillment in that and truly believe that you're changing the world whereas i think that if you can build technology that has a measurable number of lives that you've saved if you can measure the number of conflicts you've deterred that's really really powerful and even what you can't measure all of them even if some of this is going to be intangible you can still feel a lot better about that than selling ads or most of the things that people do in in the rest of the technology industry.” (Palmer Luckey)

“right take notes you need to talk to founders fund you need to talk to general catalysts you need to talk to valor you need to talk to eight VC those guys are doing investment in defense stuff and they think that this is an area that is important they think that it is an area that is reliable they think that largely speaking this Silicon Valley bubble is going to collapse and that left behind are going to be the industries that actually create value.” (Palmer Luckey)

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